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Category: For the Home

The Feb-YouWear-y Clean Out

Overflowing dresser drawers, shoes scattered all around, a closet bursting at the seams. Having too much stuff can cause chaos in our lives. Simplifying the amount of clothes, accessories and shoes we own can help bring a sense of calm to the home. Many times when our belongings cause stress and are disorganized, it’s because we own too…

The “Twenty-Four Out the Door” Christmas Countdown Challenge

Christmas is right around the corner. ‘Tis the season for gifting! As fun as it is to give and receive gifts this time of year, receiving gifts can actually add to feelings of overwhelm. These feelings come when extra stuff gets added to our homes that already have a lot of stuff. I find I get most overwhelmed by…

Is the Stuff You Own Causing Harm?

I am on a journey to simplify our home by decreasing the amount of things we own. I still have a long way to go, but I am working on it! We have way more possessions taking up space in our house than our family of five needs. We have boxes of things in our storage room and garage that…

Say These Three NOs Tonight for a Better Tomorrow

For quite some time I felt like I was always behind on keeping our house tidy. We had stuff all over the place. It was stressful and seemed to just snowball out of control. There seemed to be no end in sight. I’d go to bed at night, with our house in a mess, thinking that taking care…