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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Simple, Delicious Chili

Once we are regularly hanging out in the 60-70 degree range here in Kansas, I like to make soup for dinner at least twice per week. I love to make soup because most of my recipes make large portions (yay for leftovers!) and only require one pot or a slow cooker. Not to mention, they are so yummy! There…

Eight Tips for Being On Time with Kids

Going places with small children can be a monumental task. Sometimes it seems like more work than it’s worth. Can you relate? As I write this, my kids are the ages of five, two, and three months old. I find that it can be a challenge to do most things at this stage of life. One of the…

Say These Three NOs Tonight for a Better Tomorrow

For quite some time I felt like I was always behind on keeping our house tidy. We had stuff all over the place. It was stressful and seemed to just snowball out of control. There seemed to be no end in sight. I’d go to bed at night, with our house in a mess, thinking that taking care…

Super Simple Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a traditional side dish served year-round where I’m from. They work for almost every gathering and are enjoyed by the young and old alike. My family loves deviled eggs! My husband and kids think they’re delicious. When my parents, siblings and all our kids get together, I don’t think 6…

Ian – Our Infant Loss Story

In early February 2012, I found out I was pregnant for the first time! It seemed so surreal but I couldn’t have been more excited. My husband, Joel, and I had planned this pregnancy and were thrilled to be expecting our first child, due October 18th. Aside from the results of my hCG blood work being a bit low…